Create or Update All Email Communications to Current Clients

Adding your ClientHub Link to all of your client touch-points is a great way to ensure your entire book of business starts using GloveBox.

All client touch-points should include your ClientHub link to ensure they have access to your agency's GloveBox. This could be an initial welcome email to the client or after any service request is fulfilled, adding in a small paragraph about your agency's GloveBox will help to drastically reduce the service burden and allow your clients to access their policy information. Over time, as more of your book of business adopts GloveBox, this will allow your team focus on revenue generating tasks rather than simple service requests that your client can handle on their own. 

To locate you ClientHub link, navigate to the Agency Details tab of GloveBoxHQ. If your agency utilizes a messaging technology like Agency Zoom, Agency Revolutions or a text messaging system, they should have the ClientHub link attached to those communications as well. This way any holiday or 'happy birthday' emails to clients contain your ClientHub link explaining and asking them to claim their GloveBox account. Below is a script you can copy and paste into your communications and please feel free to edit it to your liking.



"Please make sure to stay up-to-date with all of your insurance documents by claiming your account with GloveBox, our agency-branded mobile and web app. To get started, please click the link below and login with your email you gave us when purchasing your insurance. This allows you to always have a quick way to contact our agency as well as being able to view your policy documents at a moments notice."

//Paste ClientHub Link Here//

