Importing Your Contacts into Better Agency

Importing your data from your management system into Better Agency is a straightforward process when properly prepared. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to ensure a smooth and successful import.

Video Walkthrough: Preparing and Formatting Your Data

Step 1: Preparing Your Data

Before importing, it's crucial to update and format the data extracted from your management system.

1.1 Extract Reports from Your Management System

  • Access your management system's reporting section.
  • Pull reports that provide the most comprehensive customer and policy information.
  • The best report to use is typically a Book of Business report.
  • Set renewal dates at least six months into the future to capture upcoming renewals.

1.2 Ensure Your Report Includes Key Information

To ensure a successful import, your report should contain:

Customer Information:

  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Physical address
  • Date of birth (if available)

Policy Information:

  • Line of business
  • Carrier
  • Premium amount
  • Effective date

Business Contacts:

  • Business name
  • Business address
  • Contact details
  • Primary contact’s information

    Step 2: Formatting Your Data

    Properly structuring your data before import prevents errors and ensures accuracy.

    2.1 Review Raw Data

    • Open your Book of Business report.
    • Identify columns for customer names, contact details, and policy information.

    2.2 Organize Data into a Formatted Sheet

    • Create a new sheet in your spreadsheet program.
    • Copy and paste relevant columns into this new sheet.

    • Match your column names to Better Agency’s required format (e.g., breaking “Account Name” into “First Name” and “Last Name”).
    • Highlight necessary columns to ensure accuracy.

    You can reference an example of both the raw data exported from an AMS and the formatted data, optimized for Better Agency Imports, at this link.

    2.3 Segment Data for Import

    To maintain clean and organized records, separate your data into:

    • Personal and Commercial Lines (import these separately)
    • Client Statuses: Active Clients, Inactive Clients, and Prospects (import separately)
    • Use filtering functions to divide data accordingly.

    Step 3: Importing Your Data

    Once formatted, you can begin the import process. Ensure you:

    1. Verify that each segment (Personal, Commercial, Active, Inactive, Prospects) is saved separately.
    2. Double-check the column formatting to match Better Agency’s required structure.
    3. Save your file in an acceptable format (typically CSV or Excel).

    3.1 Upload Your Formatted Report

    • Open Better Agency and navigate to the 'Add Contacts' section. This is available from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

    • Select the option to 'Import Contacts,' available in the top right hand corner.
    • Upload your formatted CSV file. 
    • After adding your file, select the type of contact that you are importing (active, prospect, inactive) and check the acknowledgement box
      • Based on the option you select, you may also be asked a follow up question regarding new business or existing clients. 
    • Select 'Upload.'

    3.2 Map Your Uploaded Data

    • Once your data is uploaded, scroll down on the page to access your 'Contact Record Mapping.' 
    • For each field listed on the left (ex. First Name), locate the corresponding field from the dropdown menu on the right. 
    • Complete this step for each row. You can also toggle off the 'Import Toggle' if there's a column you don't need. 
    • When finished, select 'Next.'
    • Next, map your carriers by following the same process. When complete, choose 'Next.'
    • Complete this process once more for policy types. When finished, select 'Next.'
    • Now, review and edit your mapping if needed. When finished, choose 'Confirm All Mapping.'
    • Finally, for each client, choose the campaign you'd like to enroll them in. If you utilize the dropdown menus at the top of the screen, those edits will be made for every client. You can also modify these on a one-by-one basis. 
    • When complete, choose 'Import.' You'll be taken to a screen that lets you know the import is in progress, and you'll be notified once it is complete. 
    • When the import is finished, you'll be taken to the following screen. 

    3.3 Repeat Steps As Needed

    Complete this process for each policy division and client status. Once you've imported all of your necessary divisions and statuses, you're all set and your import is completed. 

    Step 4: Repeat Importing Process Periodically

    It's recommended that you complete a new upload, which ensures that your client data is most up to date in Better Agency, on a quarterly basis. 

    Need help?

    If you need assistance with any part of the import process, our team is available to help! Feel free to reach out to us at, and we’ll ensure your data is imported smoothly.
