The Client Invite feature in GloveBoxHQ allows agency team members to manage pending client invitations efficiently. Learn how to resend, revoke, and bulk send invites to encourage client engagement.
Video walkthrough:
Why Managing Client Invites is Important
Ensuring that your clients receive and accept their invitations to GloveBox is crucial for maximizing platform adoption. If a client has not accepted their invite or is unaware of the portal, you can resend invitations to encourage usage.
How to Resend or Revoke a Client Invite
- Navigate to the Clients tab in GloveBoxHQ.
- Search for the client using their name, email, or phone number.
- Check their status:
- Verified clients have already accepted their invite and do not require another.
- Invited clients are those who have been sent an invite but have not yet accepted.
- Unverified clients have not yet been invited.
- Send a new invite:
- Select the invite option and confirm you'd like to proceed.
- Note that you will only be able to use the invite button for clients who have an email on file within GloveBox.
- Resend an invite to an email:
- If the invite is expired, click the Resend Invite button.
- Ensure an email address is listed. If only a phone number is present, update it to an email before resending.
- To learn more about sending invitations out to clients with only a phone number, check out the video below.
- Revoke an invite:
- Click the three-dot menu next to the client’s name and select Revoke Invite if the invite was sent in error.
- Once revoked, the client’s status will revert to Unverified, and you can resend an invite when needed.
How to Bulk Send Invites
- Select multiple clients by checking the boxes next to their names.
- Click the “Send Invites” button at the bottom of the screen.
- Confirm email addresses for the selected clients before proceeding.
Sending invites in bulk is an efficient way to onboard multiple clients at once, increasing their awareness and engagement with GloveBox.
By utilizing the client invite features in GloveBoxHQ, you can ensure your policyholders have seamless access to their documents, billing, and more.