Managing Your Client List: AMS360

GloveBox relies on the data within your AMS to pull over into GloveBoxHQ, ClientHub, and the Mobile Apps. Here are instructions for you to set up your reports and ensure your AMS is set up properly for a GloveBox data import.

Below are the instructions to connect your agency's AMS360 account to GloveBox using the AMS360 API, which is how GloveBox pulls in data from your AMS360 AMS.
Step 1: Access the AMS360 Administration Center
Open your AMS360 platform. Navigate to the 'Administration' center in the main menu bar.
  • Within the 'Administration' Center, select 'General' > 'Web Service API.' This will generate a pop-up window. 

If the 'Administration' center is not showing up, this could be due to being a part of a cluster or association and access will need to be given by the administrator. If this is the case, please email Sean at GloveBox for help setting this up.

Step 2: Set Up a GloveBox API User 
Within the pop-up window that opens, select 'add' to create a new API connection with GloveBox. Fill in the following fields.
  • Add 'glovebox_service' as the WSAPI Login ID.
  • Create a password you're comfortable sending to GloveBox. Ensure it has at least one upper case character, one lower case character, and a number.
    • Safely store this password to reference again shortly.
  • In the 'Data Security Based on:' section, check the circle for 'Entity Access Security Only'.
  • Under 'Entity Access,' select 'Check All.'
  • Save your changes.
Step 3: Create a Secret Link

GloveBox uses a tool called OneTimeSecret to securely share your API credentials.

  • Navigate to
  • Select 'Create a Secret Message.'
  • Type your Agency's full name in the 'Content' box. Then, include the following details below. 
    • Your AMS 360 Agency Number. You can find your AMS 360 Agency Number on your AMS 360 log-in page, and it follows this format: 1011888-1.
    • The password set in the previous steps. 
  • Set an optional passphrase in the 'Passphrase' box.

Step 4. Send Your Secret to GloveBox

Email Your Secret link to in a separate email using the subject line “[Agency Name] AMS360 API Credentials."

  • In OneTimeSecret, click the 'Create a secret link' button to generate a shareable link to the encrypted secret content.

  • Copy and paste the shareable link into an email to your GloveBox point of contact.

  • Be sure to include the passphrase in the body of your email.


By following these steps, you can securely set up your AMS360-GloveBox API integration. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please reach out to your Customer Success point of contact for assistance.