Managing Your Client List: Jenesis

GloveBox relies on the data within your AMS to pull over into GloveBoxHQ, ClientHub, and the Mobile Apps. Here are instructions for you to set up your reports and ensure your AMS is set up properly for a GloveBox data import.

Below are the instructions to create your Client List report, which is what GloveBox uses to pull in data from the Jenesis AMS. 

Step 1: Request Access to the GloveBox Report

Open Jenesis. From the Jenesis Dashboard, navigate to 'Production Reports.'

  • Within 'Production Reports,' select the 'All Lines' tab.
  • Then, select 'Active policies for GloveBox Download.'

You'll be prompted to give your report a name. Use the following naming convention. 

  • [glovebox agency ID]-[AGENCY_NAME] GloveBox Client List 

Once your report is named, select the option to 'Export' at the bottom of the screen. Ensure the file is downloaded as a CSV format. 


Policy Number Format

If you open the exported Excel spreadsheet, the policy numbers may convert to scientific notation. Please follow the instructions on this page prior to sending the report to the GloveBox team. 

Step 2: Send the Report to GloveBox

First, Save the Downloaded CSV File.
  • Select an appropriate location on your device to save the exported CSV file.
Then, Email the Report to GloveBox. 
  • Open your email and create a new message. Attach the exported report.
    • Send the email to
    • Use the subject line: [Agency_ID] - [Agency_Name] GloveBox Master Report.
    • Click 'Send.'

Consistency is important when sending your client list reports manually. Emails sent to GloveBox should always have the same subject line and should be sent from the same email address.

If you change the subject line or sender address, please let GloveBox know so that we can effectively import your list in a timely fashion. 

Step 4: Schedule the Report
Select a Date and Time to run the report each week. You can run the report and send it to GloveBox as frequently as you'd like, but GloveBox requires an updated list at least once per week.
  • Add a task or calendar hold for yourself as a reminder to send the list. 
By following these steps, you can ensure that your GloveBox reports are generated and sent correctly. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please reach out to your Customer Success point of contact for assistance.