Managing Your Client List: PartnerXE

GloveBox relies on the data within your AMS to pull over into GloveBoxHQ, ClientHub, and the Mobile Apps. Here are instructions for you to set up your reports and ensure your AMS is set up properly for a GloveBox data import.

Below are the instructions to create your Client List report, which is what GloveBox uses to pull in data from the PartnerXE AMS.

Step 1: Open PartnerXE Agency Desktop

Open your PartnerXE Agency Desktop console.
  • Navigate to 'Query Builder.'
    • In the menu list at the top, select the 'Tools' dropdown.
    • In the Tools menu, select 'Query Builder,' then select 'Create Query.'

Step 2: Configure the Query Builder
First, Set Up Result Columns.
  • From the 'Query Builder screen, you can select columns to include, sort, and add filter conditions to the report. 
    • In the 'Result Columns' field, click the green text which reads 'Click here to add new columns' to view available columns to add to the report.

Next, add Policy-Related Columns.
  • In the menu that appears, hover your mouse over 'Policy,' then select each available Policy data column. Select all of the options except for LOB Details. This will add the policy data to your report. 

Then, verify that all of the following columns have been added to your report.
Number Client Name Company Name Effective Date Expiration Date
Writing Company Name Status Writing Company NAIC Inception Date LOB Code
LOB LOB Subline Product Code Company Contract Number Producer Subcode
Full Term Premium Producer CSR    


Now, add your Client-Related Columns.

  • In the menu that appears, hover your mouse over 'Client,' then select the relevant Client data columns to include in the report. This will add the client data to your report. 
    • For 'Phone' and 'Email,' include all columns from the sub-menus that appear.
    • Do NOT include Client Social Security Number or Tax Number.

Then, verify that all of the following columns have been added to your report.
Phone > Type Phone > Description Phone > Number  Phone > Extension  Email > Type
Email > Description Email > Address Active ID Company Name
CSR Name Secondary Name Producer Salutation
 Since  Sort Name Title Type  

Step 3: Add Effective Date Filter
In the 'Query conditions' field, add an Effective Date filter to include only currently active policies.
  • Click the green text to 'Add a new Condition.'
    • Select 'Policy > Effective Date.'
      • Click 'Is' and select the option 'Is After (Specific Date).' Click the 'Date' field, and select the calendar icon. Navigate backwards by 1 year and 2 months, and select the date 14 months prior to today.
      • Once the date is selected, press 'Enter,' then close out of the Calendar menu. Ensure the date you selected shows in the Condition.

Untitled (13)

Step 4: Save and Share the Query
First, Click the 'Save/Share Query' button at the top of the Query Builder window.
  • Enter a name for your report. Use the following format: [AGENCY ID] [AGENCY NAME] - GloveBox Master Report.

Then, Set Sharing Options for the report.

  • GloveBox recommends selecting 'This query should be available to all users in the agency' so other staff members can run and email the report if needed.

Finally, Save the Report by clicking 'Save' at the bottom of the screen.

  • Once saved, the report should appear on the right-hand side of the screen, under 'Shared Queries.'

Step 5: Run and Export the Report
GloveBox requires that your agency send this report at a minimum of once per week, though you can send as frequently as every day. 

First, you'll run the report and generate a preview. 

  • Navigate to 'Tools' > 'Query Builder' > 'View Saved Queries.'
  • Select the saved report under 'Shared Queries' to access the 'Query Builder - Results' screen. This will display a preview of the report for you to review.

Then, Export the report as a .CSV file to Excel.

  • Click 'Export to Excel,' which will download the report. Then, ensure the download is saved as a CSV file and 'Save' the file to your computer.

    • If necessary, rename the report to the following format: [AGENCY ID] [AGENCY NAME] - GloveBox Master Report.

Policy Number Format

If you open the exported Excel spreadsheet, the policy numbers may convert to scientific notation. Please follow the instructions on this page prior to sending the report to the GloveBox team. 

Step 6: Send the Report to GloveBox

  • Open your email and create a new message. Attach the exported report.
    • Send the email to
    • Use the subject line: [Agency_ID] - [Agency_Name] GloveBox Master Report.
    • Click 'Send.'
Select a Date and Time to run the report each week. You can run the report and send it to GloveBox as frequently as you'd like, but GloveBox requires an updated list at least once per week.
  • Add a task or calendar hold for yourself as a reminder to send the list. 

Consistency is important when sending your client list reports manually. Emails sent to GloveBox should always have the same subject line and should be sent from the same email address.

If you change the subject line or sender address, please let GloveBox know so that we can effectively import your list in a timely fashion. 

By following these steps, you can ensure that your GloveBox reports are generated and sent correctly. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please reach out to your Customer Success point of contact for assistance.