1. GloveBox University
  2. Managing Your AMS Client Lists

Managing Your Client List - Using the No Contact Information Report

GloveBox pulls in data for any client that has an active policy with your agency, assuming they have either an email address or phone number on file in your AMS.

The GloveBox Data team uses specific fields in your AMS to find details like a client's name, email, or phone number. As a result, clients in your AMS will not pull through to GloveBox if they don't have a phone number or email address listed in the fields that GloveBox pulls data from.

To remedy this and ensure these clients show up in GloveBox, the GloveBox customer success team can provide you with a 'No Contact' report. This report will include the name of any client who doesn't have a phone number or email address in the mapped fields with your AMS.

You can use the list of fields mapped by AMS to determine where you should place contact information for any client with missing or misplaced contact information in your AMS. Once in the correct field, GloveBox will be able to pull the client in. 

Fields GloveBox Uses for Contact Information (By AMS)

  • AMS360

    • Email: Customer_email

    • Phone: Customer_home_phone, Customer_cell_phone

  • Better Agency

    • Email: Email

    • Phone: Phone Number

  • Epic

    • Email: PrimaryEmailAddress, SecondEmailAddress

    • Phone: PrimaryNumber, SecondNumber

  • EZLynx

    • Email: Primary_Email, Email_Alternate, Email_Business

    • Phone: Phone_Cell, Phone_Home, Phone_Work2, Business_Phone

  • Hawksoft

    • Email: PersonalProfile1Email1, PersonalProfile1Email2

    • Phone: PersonalProfile1Phone1, PersonalProfile1Phone2

  • Instar
    • Email: Email Address
    • Phone: Mobile, Home Phone
  • ITC Agency Matrix
    • Email: Customer Email, Customer Email 2
    • Phone: Customer Cell, Customer Cell Phone, Customer Home
  • Jenesis
    • Email: Primary Email 1, Primary Email 2
    • Phone: Primary Phone 1, Mobile Phone 1, Mobile Phone 2
  • NASA
    • Email: EmailList1Address, EmailList2Address
    • Phone: PhoneList1PhoneNumber, PhoneList2PhoneNumber, PhoneList3PhoneNumber, PhoneList4PhoneNumber
  • Nexsure
    • Email: Email
    • Phone: ContactPhoneNumber
  • Nowcerts
    • Email: CustomerEmail, CustomerEmail2, Insured E-Mail1, CustomerEmail3
    • Phone: CustomerPhone, CustomerCellPhone, Insured Cell Phone, CustomerSMSPhone
  • Partner XE
    • Email: Email
    • Phone: Cell Phone, Phone Number
  • QQ Catalyst
    • Email: ContactEmail1, ContactEmail2, Customer Primary Email, Customer Email
    • Phone: ContactPhone1, ContactPhone2, Customer Primary Phone, Customer Phone Number
  • Siege
    • Email: Email_Primary, Email_Alternate
    • Phone: Phone_Cell, Phone_Home
  • Special Agent
    • Email: email_1, email_2
    • Phone: phone_1, phone_2
  • Tam
    • Email: Cust_email, CUST_EMAIL, Email2, EMAIL2
    • Phone: Phmobile, Cust_resph, Phmobile2, Cust_phf, Cust_busph
  • Veruna
    • Email: Account: Email
    • Phone: Account: Cell Phone, Account: Phone
  • Xanatek
    • Email: PrimaryContactAllowEmail, Email, Spouse Email Address, CustomerPrimaryEmail, SecondaryContactPrimaryEmail
    • Phone: Mobile Phone Number, Residential Phone Number