Own your adoption to boost self-servicing

The key to taking control of your client adoption is to ensure that your clients know about your agency's branded app, are able to get to it, and can get help using it. Implement these tips to make life easier for you and your policyholders!

Client Adoption means the percentage of your policyholders that are connected to your agency's GloveBox app.

What's so important about adoption?

Client adoption rate is the primary indicator of how many clients are set up to self-service.. The higher your adoption, the more of your policyholders have the right tools to to get help.

How can I increase my adoption?

There are many ways that agencies can take ownership of their adoption, and really drive app usage. This guide focuses on these primary ways to boost client adoption:

  1. Get your team engaged with GloveBox
  2. Make GloveBox accessible
  3. Make GloveBox interaction a daily habit

Let's break down these tips to understand how to truly own your adoption and maximize the policyholders that are taking advantage of your self-servicing tools.

1. Get your team engaged with GloveBox

Want more app users? This starts in HQ. Make sure your team has access.

Ensuring that your entire team has been added to HQ and accepted their invite is the first step towards increasing your adoption.

Once in HQ, agency team members can:

  • Send invites to new and existing clients.
  • Help policyholders connect carriers to access policy data/documents.
  • Get help from GBU & Help Desk for any GloveBox support.

Team-wide access to GloveBox HQ is critical for increasing your GloveBox adoption!

"My team is in HQ... now what?"

Empower your team to be proactive in GloveBox with the following tips.


Action Item

Help team members get started. Share GBU learning/training materials, and encourage team members to look to GBU for help.
Connect with our support team. Show team members how to use the Help Desk chat in HQ to connect with their ASM.
Participate in live training sessions. Encourage team members to attend frequently hosted live training events!
Don’t make GloveBox optional Make sure GloveBox is an integral part of agency processes that's even included in new hire onboarding.

2. Make GloveBox accessible.

Adoption is the first step... but continued usage is what will really impact your agency. How can really drive clients to utilize your app? By making sure policyholders can easily access GloveBox whenever they need support.

Set up your "ecosystem" to make sure GloveBox is accessible from multiple points:

  • Add the “Download our App” button to your email signature
  • Create a Client Portal on your agency's website that links right to GloveBox website.

Once you've set up your ecosystem... Make sure your policyholders know about your app.

Make GloveBox setup part of new client onboarding

Use your new client onboarding process to make sure that GloveBox gets into the hands of every new client. If they don't know about it, they won't use it.

Promote, promote, promote!

Continued promotion also is critical to boosting adoption! This ensures that even existing app users are reminded of their self-service options. There are many ways to promote your self-service platform, but here are a few examples:

  • Sharing your app on social media.
  • Adding a QR code that links to GloveBox to your business cards
  • Mention GloveBox on phone messages, hold music, and out-of-office automatic email responses so policyholders that can't reach you know about an alternate way to get help!

3. Make GloveBox interaction a daily habit

All it takes is an extra 5 minutes a day to reach out to clients and get them set up with GloveBox. This will help your policyholders to get in the habit of deferring to GloveBox for support! If you put the platform in their hands and show them how to use it, policyholders will go here first.

Make sure GloveBox is an integral part of all current servicing processes.

Tip: When speaking with a client, search HQ to see if they are a GloveBox user. If not, send an invite! If they're a user, but have not connected their carriers, assist with connecting them!

Check in with new and existing clients about GloveBox

For recently onboarded policyholders, follow up to verify that clients have access to policies and policy data. This knowledge will mean one less service call for your agency in the future!

Identify opportunities to introduce GloveBox and follow up with existing clients DAILY!

If you are still getting comfortable with GloveBox, identify a specific scenario that you want to use as a touch point for introducing GloveBox. For example, use all policy renewal reach-out calls as an opportunity to discuss GloveBox!

Policyholders can also use GloveBox to manage all personal line policies, even those not issued by your agency. This is another example of a great cross selling opportunity!

The key to taking control of your client adoption is to ensure that your clients know about your agency's branded app, are able to get to it, and can get help using it if needed. Taking a few extra minutes to set up GloveBox while clients are engaged will reduce time spent in the future on non-revenue generating calls. Ultimately, this will reduce overall service costs for your agency. Implement these tips to make life easier for your team and your policyholders.