1. GloveBox University
  2. Managing Your AMS Client Lists

Validating Your AMS Data in GloveBoxHQ

As your agency gets up and running with GloveBox, GloveBox will set up a client list integration between our system and your AMS. Here's what to know as you begin navigating GloveBoxHQ and seeing your data come over from your AMS for the first time.

Data Being Pulled Over

There are a few nuances to the data that pulls over from your AMS that are important to stay aware of.

  • GloveBox pulls over your client list for active policies only. If you don’t see a specific policy in GloveBox, check to make sure it’s marked active in your AMS.

  • GloveBox will only show the first and last name of the named insured as a client. However, when you click into a client’s profile, you’ll see the full names of the insured.

    • For example, if Taylor Smith shares a policy with their spouse, Alex, you’ll see Taylor Smith when you search for the client, but Taylor & Alex Smith when you look at the policy.


GloveBox will pull over the contact information for your clients that’s available in your AMS. Our best practice is to have all client email addresses and phone numbers in your AMS, which then pull over to GloveBox.

  • Clients with both emails and phone numbers pulling over from your AMS will appear as such on the Clients tab.
    • If the client doesn’t have an email pulling over from your AMS, you’ll only see their phone number. Similarly, you’ll only see email if the client doesn’t have a phone number in your AMS.

Missing First and Last Names

If a policy is pulled over from your AMS without a client associated to it, the client name will default to show “Policyholder” when you look at the profile in GloveBoxHQ. To remedy this, you’ll need to add the client name into your AMS. Once updated in your AMS, the information will update in GloveBoxHQ within 24 hours.

  • Even if there isn’t a name associated to the client, a name will still populate under named insured section of a specific policy.

Recently Verified Clients

When you sign in to GloveBoxHQ, you’ll be taken to the overview tab. On this tab, you’ll find a list of recently verified accounts, as well as the date these clients last accessed their accounts.

When you’re getting started with GloveBox ahead of your agency’s rollout campaign, recently verified accounts will show two instances:

  • Anyone who has already verified a GloveBox account with your agency. These will be folks with a more recent last accessed date and are usually staff members of the agency or their relatives.
  • Any of your current clients who are former clients of another agency that used GloveBox. These last access dates are usually older.

No Contact Reports

GloveBox will not pull over client and policy information for clients that don’t have an email or phone number associated in your AMS. It’s possible that this information is logged in your AMS, but it may not be in the field that GloveBox maps to. Your GloveBox implementation manager can assist you in obtaining a list of these clients.

Auditing Your Data

Once your data is pulled into GloveBox and the GloveBox team has done their preliminary review, your GloveBox point of contact will reach out and let you know the data is in. Once the data is in, you’ll schedule a training session with your team focused on how to use GloveBox. If you’d like to audit your data prior to training, follow this process:

  • Go to your GloveBoxHQ > Clients Tab.

  • Update the dropdown in the top right corner to unverified.

  • From this list, select 10 clients at random.

    • Verify that their first and last name appear correctly in GloveBoxHQ and there is a phone number or email address listed.
    • Confirm that the client’s associated policies generate within GloveBoxHQ.
    • Validate that the policy information is accurate, including Carrier, Policy Type, Policy Number, Named Insured, and Effective Date.
  • Make note of anything that doesn’t match between GloveBoxHQ and your AMS. Let your implementation manager know if there are discrepancies.

  • Bear in mind, GloveBox is usable and actively pulling data from your AMS even if a client or policy is missing. GloveBox will continue to pull your data over and ensure the details needed from your AMS are pulling over successfully to GloveBox over time.