1. GloveBox University
  2. Managing Your AMS Client Lists

Setting Up and Managing Your Client List

Following best practices outlined below ensures that GloveBox is able to utilize your AMS data to successfully connect your clients with minimal issues.

During the data cleaning process, agencies can end up losing up to 40% of their AMS data. In most cases, this is completely avoidable, and minimizing these occurrences helps GloveBox to better serve our agencies. Below are some tips from the GloveBox Data Team to ensure that we successfully receive complete policy records for your clients.

Client Data Best Practices

Keep Consistent Records In Your AMS

  • Make it a point to take down accurate, up-to-date phone numbers and email addresses.
  • Ask for mobile phone numbers instead of home phone numbers.
  • Always note the policy type for each policy in a client record.
  • **Make sure to classify your policy divisions accurately. Listing a commercial policy as a personal lines policy will cause it to display in GloveBox incorrectly.**

List Carriers Consistently

  • Do not create notes with special characters, e.g. brackets.
  • Avoid using common contractions, e.g. "Co." for "company."
  • Note: Often, fields in your AMS system will have a character limit for carriers which results in words getting cut off at odd points like "Compan," which makes it difficult for us to map accurately. Consistency and accuracy helps to eliminate any potential problems.
  • Always list carriers, do not leave them blank.

Avoid Leaving Notes In Fields

  • Writing notes in the email field, e.g. "example@gmail.com (prefers to be called/texted)," can create potential issues during the list cleaning process that may cause data to be lost.

Following these tips will help GloveBox maximize your AMS data intake. This in turn will also set your platform up for success, and provide your team and clients with the best experience available.

