Creating the Ultimate Client Onboarding Process

Integrating GloveBox into your agency’s new client onboarding is the key to success with your client experience platform. This guide covers steps to take to achieve this.

Why is new client onboarding so important?

GloveBox is not just an app, it’s a complete client experience platform. A smooth client onboarding helps your clients get the most out of GloveBox:

  • Clients need to know these self-service options exist. If you don’t formally introduce it, they won’t know about it!
  • A great onboarding creates an excellent first impression for your new technology.
  • The onboarding experience sets the precedent for how policyholders look for agency & policy support. Provide the tools, then encourage clients to start in the app when help is needed.

Setting the stage

In order to create the ultimate onboarding experience which successfully implements and introduces GloveBox, you will first need to “set the stage.” Here are some tips to accomplishing this!


First, make sure your Agency GloveBox is easily accessible for any prospect, client, referral partner or X-date. Your Agency Connect Link (found in HQ and also included with the message sent when the "Refer Agency" button is clicked) is the best way to ensure your client connects to your specific agency.  You can add your Connect Link to a “Download our App” button and attach it to your email signature.  You should also create a Client Portal that links to GloveBox via your agency’s website. Make it readily available so your clients can get to GloveBox without having to reach out to you.

This also includes promoting it elsewhere, such as social media, on business cards via a QR code, and to your referral partners. There are many creative ways to promote and share GloveBox; decide which strategies work for you and implement them.

One of the key final steps for making it accessible is to get in the habit of talking about it on every call, at the end of every email, with both new and existing clients.

Introduce GloveBox

Next is deciding when you want to officially introduce GloveBox. Is this going to be a feature available to your clients exclusively, are you going to use it for prospecting, or both? Many agencies have incorporated GloveBox as part of the prospecting process, as well as a way to reduce agency service costs by giving clients the ability to self-service.

Inviting prospects to get started with GloveBox can often be helpful for the quoting process. They have all your contact info should they need to reach out along with being able to connect current carriers you may not sell through.

We recommend creating a new client in GloveBoxHQ right after issuing policies so your client's receive the invite and is able to login and see their policy documents within hours of joining your agency.

Update Onboarding Materials

Next, make sure to update any agency onboarding materials. If you send a welcome email, introduce GloveBox and include your agency’s Connect Link so new policyholders can download and access your app immediately.

The same applies to a welcome text! If you send a welcome text on policy start day, you can also include your GloveBox Connect Link.

Tip: Get Creative! Use website likes SmartMockups and Canva to create custom agency graphics for onboarding or marketing materials that showcase your agency branded platform.

Extra Credit

Want to go above and beyond with getting your new client set up? Here are some additional tips:

  • Help your client register carrier login credentials
  • Connect their carriers to import their policy documents directly from the carrier system!
  • If the client's carrier isn't integrated with GloveBox just yet, you can use Document Upload to add their policy documents directly to their GloveBox so they're waiting for them when they login.

Informing your clients about GloveBox and getting them to connect to your agency is the key to being successful with your new Client Experience Platform. 

